As an intermittent catheter user, following a daily self-catheterization routine is one of the most important routines to develop to ensure your bladder is being emptied regularly.

How often you need to catheterize varies based on your condition, fluid intake, and doctor’s recommendations. In many instances, it is recommended that you self-catheterize every 4 to 6 hours, or 4 to 6 times a day. When developing a routine that works for you, it is crucial to listen to your body. To find out how often you should self-catheterize, consult your doctor.

While it may be challenging, regular self-catheterizing can help you prevent leakage and avoid health risks such as UTI and kidney damage.

Prevent Leakage

The normal capacity of a healthy bladder is 400-600mL or about 2 cups. When the amount of urine in your bladder exceeds your bladder’s capacity, urine leakage can happen. Following a daily self-catheterization routine, will help ensure your bladder is emptied before reaching capacity.

Minimizes the Risk of UTIs

When urine is allowed to sit in your bladder for too long, it can lead to the overgrowth of bacteria. With proper bladder management and sticking to a daily self-catheterization routine, you can flush out harmful bacteria and help prevent infections such as UTIs.

Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

You can help keep your kidneys healthy by adhering to a consistent daily self-catheterization routine. When your bladder becomes too full without emptying, it can cause increased pressure on the bladder, which can result in kidney damage or infection.

Intermittent catheters are often the preferred catheter type for those who cannot void their bladder on their own due to the personal freedom it allows. But no matter where you are, or what you are doing, always remember to empty your bladder completely.



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